Do I need a Lawyer – Commercial Truck Accident in Georgia
September 3, 2014 Legal developments

“Hi Gary. Love your show and thanks for taking my question.

hit the rear of my dad’s car.

My dad asked me “Do I Need A Lawyer?”

But let me start off by saying the men and women that are out there driving tractor trailers are extremely important to our economy.

Unfortunately, not ALL of them perform that way ALL of the time.

“40 Tons of Death on Wheels.”

As large as these trucks are, even a relatively low impact collision can often lead to serious injuries or even death.

Do I need an Attorney – Semi-Truck Accident in Georgia

Will you dad be able to take on the tractor trailer company, the insurance company, and their lawyers by himself – especially when he is trying to recuperate from his injuries? Claims against a trucking company can be very complex, and they have many legal issues that need to be investigated right away.
On the web

Federal law requires Truck drivers to keep a log of their hours.

or that he suffered from driver fatigue because of the number of hours he spent on the road.

Federal regulations only require the truck driver’s to keep these logs for six months unless an attorney takes action to secure them.
So if we are hired, we immediately send the trucking company and their insurance company a letter telling them they can’t destroy the driver’s logs as this is important evidence for our client’s claim.
Now let me give you some other factors we investigate when taking on the trucking companies.
We look to see how well the tractor and the trailer are maintained.

Plus these trucking companies must use strict standards when they hire these truck drivers.

(1) Drive with caution around trucks on the road.
Remember they cannot stop on a dime so don’t pull in front of one and assume they can safely stop in time.
(2) Stay visible to the truck driver.

(3) Pay attention to the trucks turn signals and don’t travel for long periods of time next to a tractor trailer.

It is a BAD idea to try and take on the trucking company, their insurance company, and their lawyers by yourself.

The consultation is FREE and completely confidential.

You owe it to yourself – to your family – to get the help you need.
So give us a call right now. (770) 934-8000.
And stay tuned for more of “Do I Need A Lawyer”. We’ll be right back.

Truck Accident Lawyers

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