Monthly Archives: July 2012

NHTSA Worst Cars List: Rollovers, Side Impacts and Faulty Seatbelts Could Risk Texas Drivers

Here in Texas, we love our pick-up trucks. We use them for work, personal errands and fun with friends and family. But some Texas pick-up truck accidents involve one of the most popular trucks in the country: the Dodge Ram 1500 pick-up truck. It’s a top selling truck and yet has just been named as one of the most dangerous… (more…)

Law News 7 Infamous Celebrity Car Accidents with Devastating Injuries

Car accidents can be tragic with devastating results such as paralysis, brain injuries, and even death. Unfortunately, no one is immune from motor vehicle collisions. Sometimes we make poor driving decisions, and sometimes those around us drive recklessly or negligently. Even though you can control your own speed, wear your seatbelt, and avoid distracted driving, you cannot control the actions… (more…)

Texting while driving not uncommon among teens, study finds

Texting while driving in Los Angeles continues to be a dangerous trend, particularly among teenage drivers. An alarming new survey reveals that more than half of high school seniors admit they text or email while behind the wheel. The survey, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides the first federal statistics on how common the texting is… (more…)

Sleepy drivers are as dangerous as drunk drivers, study finds

Many people who would never get behind the wheel after drinking might think nothing of driving while fatigued. A new study, however, finds that sleepy drivers are almost as dangerous as drunk drivers. The study from France and published as a letter in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that drunk drivers and fatigued drivers were at least twice as… (more…)

Massachusetts Motorcycle Helmet Laws Reduce Costs and Motorcycle Crash Injuries and Deaths

Hot off the presses: motorcycle helmets don’t just save lives, they save money as well-a lot of money. When someone is involved in a motorcycle accident, the last thing on the injured biker’s mind is money, and yet in our society, money talks. So the Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study from 2008 to 2010 to find… (more…)

Middletown CT High Speed Motorcycle Crash Fatality Crazy Video

She was a passenger who boarded the motorcycle in Meridian. Her driver was a friend of hers who then proceeded up 91 north though Middle Town and eventually Rocky Hill. As part of our exhaustive investigation we discovered there was a handlebar mounted camera on the motorcycle. Based on our extensive experience handling motorcycle cases we always perform a thorough… (more…)

Could Texas Truck Accident Personal Injuries Rise, Per Consumer Reports Worst Cars List?

Buyer beware: Consumer Reports has released its annual list of worst cars, and one of the country’s most popular pick-up trucks is at the top of the list due to poor car test ratings. The Consumer Reports website is a common resource for new car and truck buyers, with a great deal of information on safety such as car accident… (more…)

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