Monthly Archives: May 2016

Preventing Harrisburg Truck Accidents by Mandating Snow Removal

In Pennsylvania, truck drivers may soon have more responsibilities for the removal of snow and ice from atop their big rigs.  Pennsylvania Senate Bill 94 would impose an affirmative responsibility on truckers with vehicles weighing 48,000 pounds or more. Truckers would have to take steps to remove accumulated snow and ice. If they failed to do so, police could pull them… (more…)

Phoenix Truckers Should Prevent Three Common Truck Accidents

In Phoenix, motorists in passenger cars face a significant risk of getting hurt if they become involved in a collision with a truck driver. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety indicates that 70 percent of people who die in large truck crashes are occupants of cars other than the truck. Truck drivers have a responsibility to try to protect passengers from… (more…)

NHTSA Moves Forward With New Rule to Prevent Charlotte Underride Truck Accidents

The prevention of deadly truck accidents is an important goal. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates 333,000 large trucks were involved in collisions in 2012. The collisions killed 3,921 people and injured 104,000 people.  In 70 percent of deadly truck accidents, someone other than the trucker is the one who dies according to Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. There are… (more…)

Providence Companies Can’t Focus on Both Work Injury Prevention & Profitability

Big organizations frequently make safety mistakes, sometimes making the same errors multiple times. This is true even when the outcomes are disastrous, such as an employee being killed or injured and a workers’ compensation claim being made for disability or death benefits. Recently, Safety News Alert published information on research providing new insight as to why safety errors repeatedly occur,… (more…)

Scranton DWI Defendants and DWI Defenses in Accident Cases

When an accident occurs when an allegedly impaired person is driving, this can result in very serious charges – especially if the accident causes an injury or a death. Typically, in a DWI accident case, a prosecutor shows a defendant was impaired and shows the defendant caused a crash to occur by driving while drunk and striking another car or… (more…)

DWI Defense When Charged With an Involvement in an Accident

A DWI charge is serious, but not as serious as being accused of causing an accident while driving under the influence. If you are accused of causing a collision while driving drunk, you can expect to face much more serious criminal charges with much harsher penalties.  Raising a vigorous DWI defense is absolutely essential when accused of an accident. In… (more…)

Texas Truck Accident Cases Differ from Car Accident Cases Due to FMCSRs

Truck accidents are often more serious than collisions which involve only passenger vehicles. Victims are more likely to sustain grave injuries or be killed in truck accidents. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety indicates around 70 percent of the victims who die in fatal truck accidents aren’t in the truck but are instead pedestrians, motorcyclists, bikers, or occupants of other cars… (more…)

How FMCSRs Affect Youngstown Truck Accidents

When Ohio truck accidents occur, victims must understand how rules called Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) affect their case.  FMCSRs make truck accident claims very different than typical car accident claims and victims need to know the implications for proving their case and recovering compensation. How FMCSRs Can Affect Your Truck Accident Case One of the most important ways… (more…)

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