Monthly Archives: August 2012

Responsive website design for Lawyers Takes Center Stage

What is Responsive website design for law firms? It’s exactly what it sounds like. A website that reformats and responds, depending on what device is accessing it. Why is this important to me? Many web vendors have been selling multiples site – in the hopes that Google will give their clients more real estate in the search results. This is… (more…)

Oklahoma City Workers Compensation Lawyers Support OSHA Workers

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other members of the Mid-Continent Exploration & Production Safety Network (MCEPS Network) recently co-sponsored a safety stand-down, to shed light on safety violations and alert workers to safety issues in general. The stand-down was conducted from June 22 to July 20, 2012. The focus for the stand-down was… (more…)

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